Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I Love You Like Crazy Cakes

A couple at church surprised us on Sunday with this great book. It will be an awesome way to help explain to our little one how he/she came to be part of our family and how he/she grew in our hearts before we even met him/her.

Here's what the publisher says about the book:

"Based on the author's own experience, this heartfelt story follows a woman on her journey to China to adopt a baby girl from China. From paperwork to plane flight, the narrative chronicles the baby's trip from a crib in a big room shared with many other babies to her own crib in her own room in her new home."

What a thoughtful gift! Thank you Steve and Agnes!


  1. We have this book too. At our International Adoption Seminar, the lady showed it to us and I fell in love. Had to get it. So cute and so perfect to read to our little girl when she comes.

    Janet T.

  2. I also love this book! Thanks for visiting my site. I'll be watching, I love finding new meat to read.
