Thursday, October 20, 2011

Little Artists

I walked into the room yesterday to find this:

Doesn't she look angry? When I asked her what was wrong, I braced myself expecting to hear a story all about how one of her siblings mistreated her. But instead I was met with silence. Upon further investigation, I realized that Samara was standing completely still, like a statue, so that Victoria and Austin could draw her. She was being the perfect model. In fact, I tried everything to get her to smile or laugh but nothing worked. She continued to stand perfectly still, not even cracking a smile. I was the only one laughing!

Austin's masterpiece:

Victoria's masterpiece:

Samara's self-portrait:

And then Samara proceeded to draw Austin - superman suit and all:


    I'm so in love with these.
    How hilarious that she didn't even crack a smile. That would have been so funny to watch!
    Glad you actually photographed the drawings!

  2. Those are perfect replications of Samara! It's a good thing their little model was so cooperative, unlike *ahem!* their mother!! :o)

  3. I LOVE it Hahaha,how creative.Good job Samara!

  4. That's hilarious how serious she was!! She's quite the little artist (they all are)!

  5. awesome!! love it! :)
    hey, i just pulled out an adoption attachment book and out fell your GREAT email you sent me way back when....I NEED IT NOW! whoohoo! :) love love to read your letter full of such great advice! feel free to pour out all your knowledge on me. ;)
    thanks again so much for sending it last spring...rereading it has been good and reminded me of some important things .:)
