Friday, September 25, 2009

Run for the Cure

It's that time of year again . . . a little over a week until the Run for the Cure. This will be my third time running it and this year (in addition to running in memory of my friend, Marisa) I'm running in honour of my brave sister-in-law, Christel, who is battling with all her might and doing a fine job. Way to go Christel . . . I'm so proud of you!

Go Christel Go!

If you are able to sponsor me and support a very worthy cause, click here: Run for the Cure

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The race is run and Karen you did great! So glad you were able to honour and encourage CHRISTEL on her journey. I'm proud of you both - 2 runners in a different race but praying for the same outcome! Luv & blessings - momz