Wow, who would have thought you'd be reading my blog and would listen to little ol me? I woke up this morning and saw that you had updated your website just as I had requested. AND you matched more than just a week. You matched 18 days worth of LID's. That's actually way more than I even expected. It's been a long time since that many days have been matched in one month. Hooray CCAA - keep up the hard work.
Oh, and one more request . . . . do you think you could match 29 days next month so that Sept. 7 is included in referrals? You'd make our family so very happy - then we'd get to see our little one's face for the first time and no more waiting. Thanks.
It's Sunday night and I just want you to know that I'll be going to bed soon. I know you are 12 hours ahead of us and that means you are just starting your work day. As I sleep, please continue to work on that pile of dossiers. I'd love to wake up to some really, really good news. Perhaps referrals for at least two weeks worth of LID's (I'm not really asking for that much). Please put smiles on the faces of all of us Mommy's and Daddy's in waiting. I will be checking your website soon after I awaken in the morning so I would appreciate it if you could please update it so we can celebrate some good news. Thank you. :)
I know nobody wants to hear about another ladybug sighting but I have to share this one. My mother-in-law came to stay with us for a few days and surprised me with a charm for my italian charm bracelet. It's a ladybug! Thanks Peggy. It's so cute - I just love it. So technically that's the third ladybug I've seen in the last week or so. That's gotta mean something.
CCAA should be letting us know about referrals for this month in the next week or so. Let's hope they at least finish all of July and perhaps even get partway into August. We're starting to exercise our fingers so they'll be in shape to cross off all those days on our countdown calendar. I'll keep you posted. :)
This afternoon I was outside cutting the lawn and I had just turned the lawnmower off when I heard Victoria calling me over. She was so excited and yelling, "A ladybug, a ladybug!" So of course I went over to take a look and sure enough - a real live ladybug was crawling all over her sweater! I couldn't believe it. That totally makes up for the false ladybug sighting yesterday doesn't it? As for our referral . . . well, I'll say no more.Here are the pictures I tried to take - very blurry I know but honestly it's a real ladybug. Victoria and Austin are my witnesses!
Can you believe it? I spotted a ladybug! Does that mean our referral is coming soon? That's what it means doesn't it?
Ok, ok . . . the ladybug I spotted was on these funky cool napkins my mom gave me today. She saw them at a store and just had to get them for me. Neat eh? They're the kind of napkins though that are so cute you almost don't want to use them. Perhaps they should be saved for a referral party. Come on CCAA - bring on those referrals!!!
Just thought I'd share a few pictures of how we spent Sunday afternoon. It was a great family day - can't wait till there's one more little one to join us though! :)
Wow! At the beginning of this journey we didn't think we'd be celebrating such a day. A 12-month anniversary of being logged in didn't even exist. We thought we'd be to China and back for a few months already at this point. Anyway, things change and here we are. We're a lot closer than we were a year ago and that's the only way to look at it.
Our agency is telling us that the wait may increase to 16 - 18 months from LID. So if that's the case, we may not get to see our little one's face until January or March. That will be two whole years since we began this whole process. I know it will all be worth it in the end.
We have been so blessed over the past year (and more) by the support of family and friends. We know there are so many people out there praying for us and our little one. Also getting to know our travel group (Group #244) has been amazing and a great support as we encourage each other and go through each step together. Thank you everyone!
Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we come closer to the day we see the face of our little one for the first time and then eventually hold him/her in our arms.