March update (3 months old):
We had to do a double take when we opened these pictures. Yes, that really was our son in the pretty pink sleeper!
These pictures were the best (and the hardest) of all the updates. He had been through court at this point (making him officially our son) and had received our carepackage. He's wearing the blue sleeper we sent him, holding the toy penguin we sent him and looking at the photo album we sent along with our pictures in it. This was also the first time we saw such a huge grin on his face - how appropriate since he's looking at his new daddy, mommy, brother and sisters!
Just when we were beginning to wonder about our July update, things changed and instead of geting pictures in our inbox, we got the real deal instead. Despite an extremely stressful situation (and that's an understatement!), we got to bring Denver home a little earlier than expected. So here's our July update pictures: