I just love the look of freshly fallen snow on the ground and especially on the trees and bushes. Well, we sure had our share of freshly fallen snow yesterday. It was such a nice stay at home and watch the snow fall kinda day. The kids had a great time outside playing in all the white stuff. In the morning, Victoria and Austin got all bundled up in their outdoor gear and out they went with Daddy. It just so happened that it was right at the time that Samara usually goes down for her nap. As soon as the door closed and Victoria, Austin and Daddy were outside, the tears just started falling. Samara was so upset that she was left out of the fun in the snow. She cried . . . and cried . . . and cried. So finally Mommy gave in and bundled her all up and out she went. It was her first real experience with a major snowfall and I think it kind of stunned her. She just kind of stood there and stared at it all not sure what to make of it. But today she was already more used to it and was trying to pick up and throw it (imitating her big brother of course!) Here are some of the pictures from yesterday.
There's nothing better than a mug of hot chocolate after coming in from the cold.
What a fun day! Hailey also helped her daddy shovel the snow. She hasnt been too sure about snow yet, but after some time outside making snow angels and scooping up and eating it (not the yellow kind!), she didnt want to come in. We also made hot chocolate with mini marshmellows (and then watched Hailey run in circles for twenty minutes).
:o) Playing in the snow then coming in for hot chocolate. And...all of this just one week before Christmas? Ah yes! What a great day!
Glad Samara enjoyed herself even if it took a bit to figure out what was happening. I love a snowy day and yesterday was breath-taking!!!
My Goodness..it doesn't get any better.Love it :)
xoxox Grandma C
What a fun day! Hailey also helped her daddy shovel the snow. She hasnt been too sure about snow yet, but after some time outside making snow angels and scooping up and eating it (not the yellow kind!), she didnt want to come in. We also made hot chocolate with mini marshmellows (and then watched Hailey run in circles for twenty minutes).
Awwwwww...look at the cute little Michelen men! LOL! How cute are they?
Oh, and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Austin! What a sweetie!
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