A cake with the names of the children referred to our families over the past few months. What a neat idea!
I had no idea Victoria was such a cat lover. Those who know me, know she did NOT get that from her mother (right Aunt Christy??)!
Guangzhou |
Addis Ababa |
I know what it's like when your child is a cat lover and you aren't!! Good luck with that!
Looks like you guys had a great day! I'm sure you can hardly wait to celebrate with these same people when you have Denver! I'm glad Victoria was cuddling with this little friend and not the one you saw the other day =) We haven't seen or heard from ours. I'm going with - it came out at night and went with it's mom - thanks for that idea!
Looks like you guys had a great time and good weather!!
Guess maybe she gets that from me eh Kare?
Those, as always are some beautiful pictures.
Hi Karen!
I was thinking of you and praying you were not one of the families who are going through the ordeals with Imagine Adoption agency right now! I know of some online friends who are stuck and today thought of you and wondered if that was your agency.
I see a link on your sidebar to Imagine. I'm praying all is still going on strong and well for you guys!!
We're praying for you all. Looking forward to a very exciting update on Denver!
Can you believe the difference a few weeks makes!! Can't wait to read all about it.
Hi Karen, thanks so so much for the comment. We are
hanging in there. WOW! Tell me you're home with your precious baby boy-that
would be such great news! Did you guys jump on a plane when this al lwent down
or were you there already? oh I so hope you are home with him! can't wait to see
pics, too.
yes, at first we were just crushed! but as time
goes on, it seems like maybe just maybe, this will still happen. we got a media
release from bdo that was very encouraging, and as far as the whole more money,
ethiopia pulling liscence, etc, we have a big God! please pray for us (in all
your spare time-ha!) i really know it is the prayers of people that are
sustaining me thru all this-and if you can, write and tell me all about your new sweet one. darci :)
sorry i did try your email but it bounced back at me..if you hear any news, maybe youy could send it? we feel kind of isolated out here, since majority of fams seem to be out there..
mhovdestad at hotmail dot com
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