Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Grandma's Birthday Surprise

This post is long overdue. At the end of May, Grandma Carmody had a birthday. It was kind of a big one (kind of) and so I thought it would be nice to surprise her and drive down for the day. We don't usually see her on her birthday because of the distance so we figured it would be a good surprise for her. I let Grandpa know we were coming so that he would make sure they were home when we showed up. So off we went. Three hours later, we arrived and to say she was suprised was an understatement. I think we made her day! It was a nice treat for her to spend her birthday with her grandkids and her favourite daughter-in-law! (LOL . . . just kidding Tina!)

The weather threatened rain but it held off and we were able to spend a lot of the day outside. We had so much fun and of course the highlight was fishing off the dock. (especially for Austin!).

I tried to take a nice picture of Grandma with the kids and this is what I got. Now we know where our kids get their silliness from!


Anonymous said...

There is nothing like Grandchildren,yes that was a GREAT day,thanks Karen...memmories...oh how I hold so many.Blessed I am..
xox Grandma C

Heather said...

How awesome! I LOVE surprising people.
Love how you captured it all in pictures (of course :)