Tuesday, August 18, 2009

July 19

Got up around 6:00 this morning. Denver was restless all night. He seems a little off today. Perhaps it’s his teeth or something. He had a good poop this morning so that’s always good. (I know, I know - too much information). Went down to breakfast this morning and sat with the ladies from another Canadian adoption agency. Talked about a lot of adoption related things – attachment and such – very interesting. They’re escorting a nine month old baby home for a family that’s unable to travel.

I read another article from the Globe and Mail this morning regarding the Imagine Adoption bankruptcy and a lot of about the director of our agency. It’s so sad. The whole situation makes me sick and I’m sad for everyone involved. I can’t wait to be home and get on with my life and put this all behind us.

After breakfast I met a family that just arrived. He was the man that called the Weygoss a few days ago on a power out day but for some reason got my room. So I booked them a room and arranged for Solomon to come and get them when their flight arrived. I chatted with them for a while and then asked them if they wanted to go to the mall with us. I got Denver’s passport pictures done so that I would have them for his transit visa. It cost me 10 birr which is about $1.00 US.

I then went to the supermarket to get a few more things – some more baby food for Denver. It was raining again at this point and so we walked home in the rain. I sat and chatted in the main lobby with some people for a while and then went upstairs to get Denver some lunch.
I called home again today. I wanted Mike to let Mary Catherine know the good news about her precious Samuel and that she can be sure he will be coming home to them. I also wanted him to know that the transit visa for Denver will only take 24 hours to get so it’s not as stressful as I first thought. He had tried to call the travel agency to get more details about this but didn’t have much luck. I also talked to Victoria, Austin and Samara again. The connection wasn’t great and there was a big delay when we were talking so it was hard. Victoria thought it was funny that she just got up (I called at 6:15 am Ontario time) and that I had just had lunch here in Ethiopia! I miss the kids and Mike like crazy. I can’t wait to see them all with Denver and finally have us all home together.

After lunch we decided to go with another family and their kids to the museum where we saw Lucy. We opted for the tour with a tour guide so it took longer than we had expected. There was a lot of art and old artifacts and bones. It was quite interesting. We were planning on going to another museum on our way home but the first one had taken quite long and so the kids (and adults) had had enough. We took a cab back to the guest house. The cab driver was really friendly and showed us a lot of interesting things on our way to and from the museum – i.e. the Sheridan, the Hilton, the president’s house with armed guards.

I have to admit that I’m finding it hard to experience and enjoy Ethiopia with so much hanging over my head and so much going on inside my brain. My main goal right now is to get Denver home where he belongs. It’s unfortunate that this trip had to be like this but it is what it is . . . it’s just really hard. I’m homesick for my family and am counting the days until I can get on that plane and be homeward bound.

When we got back to the guest house, I hung out in the courtyard with Arnica some other families and their kids. We were blowing bubbles and playing with balls. The kids had a great time and Denver loved watching all the action.
When I went back up to my room, the phone rang and I was told there was going to be another meeting with the lawyer from BDO. So I went down to the lobby with some of the other families. The ladies from the other Canadian agency were also there to give insight into some parts of the process that we maybe don’t know as much about. He informed us that he had spent most of the day at the transition home looking over the books and finances. He said everything looked pretty good – the accountant did a great job keeping books – and that the anonymous donation from the corporation would cover the expenses for getting the rest of the referred children home to their families. He also went over each family’s situation and where they were in the process. He knows I’m just waiting for Denver’s visa and he thinks it will be in the pouch on Monday. We’re going to call the Canadian Embassy at 8:30 tomorrow morning to see if they can tell us what’s in the pouch. The lawyer will be here when we make that call and he would also like to come to the Canadian Embassy with us.

After the meeting we ordered pizza from Ice Blue again and ate with a bunch of other families in the main lobby.

Denver was really good again today. He seemed a bit off though. I wonder if his teeth are bothering him or perhaps still a bit of constipation. His grumpy moods don’t last long though and before I know it, he’s smiling and laughing again. Halfway through the meeting with Ted this afternoon, he was getting grumpy so I ran upstairs to my room to get him his bottle (which I had ready). As I was going up the stairs, he was laughing so hard – I guess he liked the bumpy ride in the carrier as I was running. He’s sleeping now as I type this. I’m going to have a shower (since tomorrow is a power out day) and then I’m off to bed.

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