We've reached single digits now! Only nine more opportunities to sleep . . . I hope I'm able to sleep for all nine of them. :) So far so good in the sleep department. I think because my mind is so busy all day long with a hundred and one things all at once, by the time bedtime comes around I'm so exhausted that I fall right to sleep (last night it was 8:30 pm!) Hopefully I'll continue to have good sleeps so I feel rested when we board that plane in nine short days.
We just celebrated our 5 year Gotcha Day anniversary! We were in CB group 109...so long ago! Our neighbour is in group 245 so they are anxiously waiting.
I love your blog and will read daily while you are gone!
Wow it is coming quick isn't it!!!
I am very excited to read all about it...
Oh, man! NINE SLEEPS? I wouldn't be sleeping at all. I'll be a zombie when we get there, never mind by the time we leave! :-)
10 more days and our little ones are actually in our arms!!!!
This is getting sooooo close Karen!
When are you and Deb in Beijing? Perhaps we'll overlap...fill me in. I'll never find you note at the Great Wall, so you better e-mail me LOL.
I cannot believe its so close. Yipppeeeee!!! Can't wait for the big day.
HORRAY!!!! I am counting down the days with you!
So excited!
Wishing you some restful nights!
Goodness...you are getting there! So exciting.
Can`t wait to follow your journey.
Keep smilin!
welcome single digits!!!!
soon you'll be able to count them in one hand!!!!!!
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